The project virtually born in early 2008...
Zeyros wrote a lot of songs before this project but he never found a worthy collaborator...a worthy "brain", so, after some other ruinous devices, he decide to join to Azhrarn...the guy who (once in a lost time) introduced him to BLACK METAL, and it was simple, a new order was made... Togheter they decided to approch that "ARGUMENT"...the true nature of the human being, the most hidden thing in the inner self, the key.The last taboo was about to be gutted. The rest every way. Enjoy your meal... This is (absolutely) NOT a cinematographic concept, RohesFleisch talks about cannibalism as it really happens, it noises directly in your brain about its mechanism...its modus tries to pull you in a real stage...near the victim, or inside a cannibal mind...from endo-cannibalism to eso-cannibalism, through serial cannibalism into ritual cannibalism. And it is also a journey through history and a run in worldwide ....everywhere and everytime a piece of human flesh jumps in that personal weapon called mouth. Musically, RohesFleisch melt Black Metal to Industrial as they want create atmosphere ineherent in the concept. Each song on this demo is a specific type of cannibalism, each type will be tread as a concept album in its own get ready for the next 4 issues. Bon appetite to the diners left standing....

We just play and record the shit inside ourself.... maybe...noise-outcry-hue black metal.Anthropology (endocannibalism, esocannibalism, ritual cannibalism, serial cannibalism, OLD STYLE-cannibalism, current cannibalism, NU-cannibalism...what else...) Occultism, Black metal, Industrial.

Altri artisti che ci piacciono

Judas Iscariot, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Satyricon,Burzum,Thorns, Khold, Celtic Frost, MZ412, Black Funeral,Anaal Nathrakh,Leviathan,Crebain... none.

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